Project Information

For more information, visit the HeroX Competition Webpage

Primary Objectives: 

Design a solar power and battery storage system for New Mexico State University that maximizes finanial savings and has the greatest financial offset after 20 years


The U.S. is moving more towards renewable energy sources and solar is one of the most cost effective resources available. Additionally, many solar industry professionals feel a general lack of experience from new graduates. This competition aims to prepare new graduates for some experiences they might face in the industry.


The team was not given a budget from the university and had initially aimed to fundraise for travel expenses. Unfortunately, the competition was transitioned completely online due to COVID19 and travel was cancelled. There were no expenses for the project.

Tools Used for Prototyping: 

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Aurora Solar

Aurora Solar is a solar modeling software used to find the irradiance profiles and and the energy off-set values of proposed designs. The software calculates irradiance profiles of designs using 3D models of the buildings and surrounding trees to estimate the shading on solar panels. With the irradiance profile, Aurora Solar is able to simulate the energy production of the system and compare that to the energy consumption.

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OpenDSS is a software used to test the compatibility of solar designs with the grid. The software estimates how the energy output of the design will be taken in by the grid and determines if a different output voltage is required to connect the system to the grid. The software also analyzes how the system's battery storage will affect the amount of energy needed from the grid. This software is primarily being utilized by the electrical team.

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ReOpt Lite

Reopt Lite is a software created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to financially analyze photovoltaic, wind, and battery storages affect on the grid. Additionally the software is used to estimate the amount of battery storage that is financially viable as well as determine the amount of time the solar design can supply energy in the event of a power outage. The electrical team is using this software.

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System Advisor Model (SAM)

SAM is a virtual modeling instrument used for renewable resources and financial analysis. SAM is used to analyze the energy production, electrical losses, and system cost for the designs. SAM allows the user to decide almost every detail about a PV system and helps in some areas to estimate the optimal values. SAM is created by NREL which provides the most accurate weather data around the globe.

NAU Solar District Cup

Last Revised May 04, 2020